HOW TO VIEW THE MEETING: The meeting will be live streamed at and via Zoom Webinar.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE BEFORE THE MEETING: Members of the public are encouraged to submit email correspondence to [email protected] before the meeting begins.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN-PERSON DURING THE MEETING: Members of the public may speak during the meeting in-person or through the Zoom application. In order to participate in-person, each speaker must complete and submit to the Recording Secretary a Request to Speak form. In-person participants may also surrender their opportunity to speak on a particular item to defer one minute to another in-person speaker.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE REMOTELY DURING THE MEETING: Members of the public may speak during the meeting in-person or through the Zoom application. In order to participate remotely, you must be present in the Zoom Webinar during the item that you would like to speak on and use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak when the Mayor calls the item. When you join the Zoom Webinar you may see a pop-up asking you to enter an email address, but a valid email address is not required. Be advised that those participating via Zoom do so at their own risk; remote participants should not expect the meeting to be cancelled or continued due the inability of some members of the public to access the remote meeting.
Malibu City Council
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 28, 2024
City Hall – Council Chambers (call to order)
Westward Room (closed session)
23825 Stuart Ranch Road
City Hall – Council Chambers
23825 Stuart Ranch Road
Four-thirty p.m. Convene for Purpose of Closed Session
Call to Order - Mayor (Council Chambers)
Public Comment on Closed Session Items
Recess to Closed Session (to be held in the Westward Room)
This time has been set aside for the City Council to meet in a closed session to discuss matters pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.8 and 54956.9. Based on the advice of the City Attorney, discussion in open session concerning these matters would prejudice the position of the City in this litigation. The City Attorney will give an additional oral report regarding the Closed Session at the beginning of the next regular City Council meeting. At the conclusion of the Closed Session, the Council may continue any item listed on the Closed Session agenda to the Open Session agenda for discussion or to take formal action as it may deem appropriate.
Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation
Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Government Code section 54956.9
Number of potential cases: (2)
Properties: APN 4459-004-001
APN 4459-004-004
APN 4459-005-001
APN 4459-005-003
APN 4459-005-013
Agency Negotiator: Councilmembers Marianne Riggins and Doug Stewart
Negotiating Parties: EQ Property Holdings LLLP
Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Five-thirty p.m.Regular Session
Call to Order - Mayor
Roll Call - Recording Secretary
Pledge of Allegiance
Closed Session Report
Report on Posting of Agenda – October 18, 2024
Approval of Agenda
Consent Calendar
Items in Consent Calendar Section A have already been considered by the Council at a previous meeting where the
public was invited to comment, after which a decision was made. Resolutions concerning decisions made at
previous meetings are for the purpose of memorializing the decision to assure the accuracy of the findings, the prior
vote, and any conditions imposed. Items in Consent Calendar Section B have not been discussed previously by the
Council. Members of the public may comment on the consent calendar as a whole. After public comment, the
Council may remove items from the Consent Calendar for individual consideration before adopting the Consent
Previously Discussed Items
New Items
Waive Further Reading
Recommended Action: After the City Attorney has read the title, waive full reading of ordinances considered on this agenda for introduction on first reading and/or second reading and adoption.
Staff Contact: Interim City Attorney Rusin, 456-2489, ext. 228
Approve Warrants
Recommended Action: Allow and approve warrant demand numbers 73861-74020 on the register from the General Fund and direct the City Manager to pay out the funds to each of the claimants listed in Warrant Register No. 756 in the amount of the warrant appearing opposite their names, for the purposes stated on the respective demands in a total amount of $3,158,008.68. City of Malibu payroll check number 5486-5487 and ACH deposits were issued in the amount of $437,903.70.
Staff Contact: Assistant City Manager Toney, 456-2489, ext. 224
Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with California Skateparks in the amount of $29,100 for City design services and $50,400 for design services related to the 600 Spring Settlement Agreement.
Staff Contact: Community Services Director Riesgo, 456-2489, ext. 350
Professional Services Agreements for Contract Planning Services
Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the Mayor to execute a professional services
agreement with 4Leaf, Inc. for contract planning services; 2) Authorize the Mayor to
execute a professional services agreement with Capstone City Planning for contract
planning services; and 3) Authorize the Mayor to execute a professional services agreement
with CSG Consultants, Inc. for contract planning services.
Staff Contact: Interim Planning Director Tamuri, 456-2489, ext. 346
Presentation of Commendation to Tom Schaar in Recognition of his Silver Medal in Skateboarding at the 2024 Summer Olympics
Commission / Committee / City Manager Updates
Written and Oral Communications from the Public (Subsequent items to be heard after 6:30 p.m.)
The Oral Communication portion of the agenda is for members of the public to present items, which are not listed on the agenda but are under the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. No action may be taken under, except to direct staff, unless the Council, by a two-thirds vote, determines that there is a need to take immediate action and that need came to the attention of the City after the posting of the agenda. Although no action may be taken, the Council and staff will follow up, at an appropriate time, on those items needing response.
Communications from the Public concerning matters which are not on the agenda but for which the City Council has subject matter jurisdiction. City Council may not act on these matters except to refer the matters to staff or schedule the matters for a future agenda.
Strategic Workplan Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Continued from October 14, 2024)
Recommended Action: Adopt the Strategic Workplan for Fiscal Year 2024-25.
Staff Contact: Deputy City Manager Brown, 456-2489, ext. 300
Ordinances and Public Hearings
For Public Hearings involving zoning matters the appellant and applicant will be given 15 minutes each to present
their position to the City Council, including rebuttal time.
Amendment to Parking Fine Schedule
Recommended Action: 1) Conduct the Public Hearing; 2) Adopt Resolution No. 24-55 amending the City’s Schedule of Parking Citation Penalties, rescinding Resolution No. 22-11, and finding the action to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
Staff Contact: Public Safety Director Dueñas, 456-2489, 313
Old Business
Old Business items have appeared on previous agendas with no final action having been taken.
Malibu Community Lands Outreach & Engagement Outcomes Report Review and Prioritization of Projects
Recommended Action: 1) Receive and file Malibu Community Lands Outreach and Engagement Outcomes Report; and 2) Identify Uses and Prioritize Projects Based on Outcomes Report.
Staff Contact: Deputy City Manager Brown, 456-2489, ext. 300
New Business
New Business items are appearing for the first time for formal action.
Malibu Film Society Update and Fee Waiver Request
Recommended Action: 1) Receive report on the outcomes of the Malibu Film Society film series at City Hall; and 2) Consider whether to approve the Malibu Film Society request to conduct five film screenings with a fee waiver from January to June 2025.
Staff Contact: Community Services Director Riesgo, 456-2489, ext. 350
Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve a request from The Malibu Navy League to waive the facility use and staffing fees and incur event costs for the Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony.
Staff Contact: Community Services Director Riesgo, 456-2489, ext. 350
Appropriation of Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant Funds for Enforcement Operations and Public Education Campaign (Continued from October 14, 2024)
Recommended Action: 1) Appropriate $460,000 from the General Fund Undesignated Reserve ($325,000 to Account Number 100-7002-5100 (Media Operations, Professional Services) and $135,000 to Account Number 100-7021-5115 (Public Safety, L.A. Co. Sheriff’s Services)), for the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant Funds; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute Professional Services Agreement with That’s the Sound! Productions, in the amount of $325,000.
Staff Contact: Deputy City Manager Brown, 456-2489, ext. 300
Council Items
City Council Items are items, which individual members of the City Council may bring up for action, to propose
future agenda items or to suggest future staff assignments.
Future Meetings
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, November 25, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, December 9, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Guide to the City Council Proceedings
Public Communications: Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. Members of the public may speak during the meeting in-person or through the Zoom application. In order to participate remotely, you must be present in the Zoom
Webinar during the item that you would like to speak on and use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak when the Mayor calls the item. In order to participate in-person, each speaker must complete and submit to the Recording Secretary a Request to Speak form prior to the beginning of the item being announced by the Mayor. In-person participants may surrender their time by deferring one (1) minute to another in-person speaker, not to exceed a total of eight (8) minutes. The speaker wishing to defer time must be present when the item is heard and their form must be submitted with the speaker form for the individual they are deferring time to. Speakers are taken in the order slips are submitted or hands are raised.
On specific agenda items Councilmembers may question any person addressing the City Council at the conclusion of all public testimony on that agenda item before the Council. Councilmembers shall not engage any member of the public in a dialogue with themselves other Councilmembers, city staff or other members of the public.
Role of the Presiding Officer: The presiding officer of the City Council, who shall be the Mayor, shall be responsible for maintaining the order and decorum of meetings. It shall be the duty of the presiding officer to ensure that these rules of procedure and decorum are followed at all times. The presiding officer shall maintain control of communication between Councilmembers, between the Council and the public, and chair each meeting in a fair and impartial manner. It shall be the duty of each Councilmember to support the presiding officer in maintaining the order and decorum of Council meetings.
Members of the Audience: Members of the audience shall not engage in disorderly or boisterous conduct, including clapping, whistling, stamping of feet, or other acts which disturb, disrupt, impede or otherwise disturb the orderly conduct of the City Council meeting. Persons addressing the City Council shall not engage in disorderly conduct which disrupts, or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct or Council meetings. Any person who so disrupts a Council meeting may, at the discretion of the presiding officer or a majority of the City Council, be subject to ejection from that meeting. No new items will be taken-up after 10:30 p.m. without a two-thirds vote of the City Council.
City Council meetings are aired live and replayed on City of Malibu Government Access Channel 3 and are available on demand on the City’s website at Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business described above are on file in the office of the City Clerk, Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, California, and are available for public inspection during regular office hours, which are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday. Written materials distributed to the City Council within 72 hours of the City Council meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, California (Government Code Section 54957.5.b.2). Copies of staff reports and written materials may be purchased for $0.10 per page.
The City Hall phone number is (310) 456-2489. To contact City Hall using a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD), please call (800) 735-2929 and a California Relay Service operator will assist you. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Environmental Sustainability Director Yolanda Bundy, (310) 456-2489, ext. 229. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADD Title II].
Requests to show an audio or video presentation during a Council meeting should be directed to the Media Team at [email protected]. Material must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on the meeting day.