This meeting will be held via teleconference only in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and pursuant to AB 361. All votes taken during this teleconference meeting will be by roll call vote, and the vote will be publicly reported.
HOW TO VIEW THE MEETING: No physical location from which members of the public may observe the meeting and offer public comment will be provided. Please view the meeting, which will be live streamed at and
HOW TO PARTICIPATE BEFORE THE MEETING: Members of the public are encouraged to submit email correspondence to [email protected] before the meeting begins.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE DURING THE MEETING: Members of the public may speak during the meeting through the Zoom application. The City requests that you sign up to speak before the item you would like to speak on has been called by the Chair and then you must be present in the Zoom conference to be recognized.
Please visit and follow the directions for signing up to speak and downloading the Zoom application.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE BEFORE THE MEETING: Members of the public are encouraged to submit email correspondence to [email protected] before the meeting begins.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE DURING THE MEETING: Members of the public may speak during the meeting through the Zoom application. The City requests that you sign up to speak before the item you would like to speak on has been called by the Chair and then you must be present in the Zoom conference to be recognized.
Please visit and follow the directions for signing up to speak and downloading the Zoom application.
Public Safety Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Regular Meeting Agenda
(to be held during COVID-19 emergency)
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
5:00 PM
Various Teleconference Locations
Future Meetings
Wednesday,December 6, 2023 | 5:00 p.m. | Regular Meeting | Location to be determined |
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. | Regular Meeting | Location to be determined |
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. | Regular Meeting | Location to be determined |
Guide to the City Commission Proceedings
As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the City is under a state of local emergency. In order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, the Commission meeting will be open and public but conducted virtually because meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. This way the public, the staff, and the Commission will not be physically in the same place.The Oral Communication portion of the agenda is for members of the public to present items, which are not listed on the agenda but are under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. No action may be taken under, except to direct staff unless the Commission, by a two-thirds vote, determines that there is a need to take immediate action and that need came to the attention of the City after the posting of the agenda. Although no action may be taken, the Commission and staff will follow up, at an appropriate time, on those items needing response. Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. Members of the public wishing to speak during the meeting must participate through the Zoom application. The City requests that you sign up to speak before the item you would like to speak on has been called by the Chair and then you must be present in the Zoom conference to be recognized. Please visit and follow the directions for signing up to speak and downloading the Zoom application.
Items in Consent Calendar Section A have already been considered by the Commission at a previous meeting where the public was invited to comment, after which a decision was made. These items are not subject to public discussion at this meeting because the vote taken at the previous meeting was final. Resolutions concerning decisions made at previous meetings are for the purpose of memorializing the decision to assure the accuracy of the findings, the prior vote, and any conditions imposed.
Items in Consent Calendar Section B have not been discussed previously by the Commission. If discussion is desired, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar for individual consideration. Commissioners may indicate a negative or abstaining vote on any individual item by so declaring prior to the vote on the motion to adopt the entire Consent Calendar. Items excluded from the Consent Calendar will be taken up by the Commission following the action on the Consent Calendar. The Commission first will take up the items for which public speaker requests have been submitted. Public speakers shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.
Old Business items have appeared on previous agendas but have either been continued or tabled to this meeting with no final action having been taken. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.
Items in New Business are items which are appearing for the first time for formal action. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.
Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business described above are on file in the office of the City Manager, and available upon request by emailing [email protected].
The City Hall phone number is (310) 456-2489. To contact City Hall using a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD), please call (800) 735-2929 and a California Relay Service operator will assist you. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Yolanda Bundy, Environmental Sustainability Director, at (310) 456-2489, ext. 229. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADD Title II].